Please fill in this form to book your place on the Shabbat Shacharit course. Any issues please contact us.
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EAJL strives to be accessible to individuals and communities with restricted budgets, which is why we ask for donations to help subsidise other students, thereby allowing them to study with us. A concession rate is available for individuals who are unable to afford the full cost of the course, but if you are in a need for a higher subsidy, please contact us in confidence at
I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and I agree to the European Academy of Jewish Liturgy (EAJL) claiming tax on all past, present and future donations I make to the charity, please treat my donations as Gift Aid donations.
By ticking the box on this form, I confirm that I am paying or will pay on amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover the amount EAJL will reclaim for the tax year (6 April one year to 5 April the next year). EAJL will reclaim 25 pence of tax for every £1 that has been given.